

Basic Panels

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores quisquam eum molestias amet et, officia at suscipit quo, tenetur esse, adipisci nisi beatae ratione. Necessitatibus, est dicta ea totam neque!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores quisquam eum molestias amet et, officia at suscipit quo, tenetur esse, adipisci nisi beatae ratione. Necessitatibus, est dicta ea totam neque!

For various sections of a page. Add the .panel class to apply a white background and a subtle shadow. Manually apply padding and margins appropriately.


Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Consectetur Elit

Velit saepe, aspernatur ipsa? Dolores sint harum dolorem quod tempore.

A variation of a panel, use for card-based item lists.

  • .hover-em : darkened shadow emphasis when hovering over.


h1. Lorem Ipsum Label

h2. Lorem Ipsum Label

h3. Lorem Ipsum Label

h4. Lorem Ipsum Label

h5. Lorem Ipsum Label
h6. Lorem Ipsum Label

Default Accent Okay Warning Danger
Default Accent Okay Warning Danger

Use .label on a <span> element. Does not support other elements other than <span> to minimize the Petal style being inherited in project-specific classes because it is a rather commonly used class name.

Append emphasis classes .accent, .okay, .warning, .danger for color variations.

.white will make inverted color with a white background and black text; append the emphasis classes listed above with .white and it will change the text colors instead.


1 20 3 4 5

Same thing as labels, just change it to .badge. Applies to <span> only.

Customizable options
// panels
@panel-bg-color-light: @background-color-light;
@panel-bg-color-dark: @gray-d4;
@panel-border-radius: 0;
@label-border-radius: 0;
@label-badge-bg-color: @gray;
@badge-border-radius: 10em;